Thursday 28 November 2013

Is possible to be green nowadays?

The Earth is asking us for help, most of all after the Industrial Revolution, when the humans began to produce in factories and, with that, to pollute the planet more and more. But, despite that a lot of people realize about the ecological situation of our world, there are not many people that do things to resolve it.
Actually there are not many information about environmentally friendly practices, I mean, there is not a lesson at school about things that we can do for help the planet, there are not many institutional contributions or initiatives in this area. The only way to make aware the people about the great problem of pollution and destruction of the world is through internet or self-organized activities, and of course, the education begins at home: it is important to teach the news generations to take care the planet.
Personally I do little things for our planet, one of these things is recycle white paper (photocopies, old copybooks and scholar books, etc.). I do this since my second year at University, when I knew about a box, in Bachillerato, when you could put your white paper and San José Foundation would recycle it to obtain nappies. Also I use the public transport or walk instead use my car, I use it only when it is necessary and I try to reduce the paper I use (I bought a kindle to read instead to print texts). 
I know an eco-organization, Greenpeace, but I don't agree with  join them, because I think that the change and the ecological responsibility should begin from common people and no just ask authorities for solutions or do isolated things in far places. 
I think that we are far from become a Green society, because there is not a culture about recycle, reuse and reduce: on the one hand, there are not places when you can leave your recyclable/reusable garbage and the large-scale recycle almost don't exist, at least in our country; and on the second hand, there are not education about ecological habits, at University for example, there are trash cans for different types of things: tins, bottles of glass and paper (I think), but nobody use it correctly, everybody throw away any kind of trash and don't care in which trash can... 
Well, I hope that people, all of us, begin to do things before it is too late. And obviously the task begin at home! :)

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